Living as Helpmates

excerpt from “Oneness“, the final book by Amorah Quan Yin

Living as helpmates is a divine way of life for couples, but also for intimate friends. It is a way of co-creating loving and divine trust-based relationships in life. For this to work both people involved must agree. It is a commitment toward assisting each other in learning and growing and becoming fully enlightened. In other words, both people need to be 100% committed to their own spiritual path first. They both must have learned how to monitor their thoughts and feelings and to choose truth. That commitment to trust must also be absolute. The commitment to changing as they learn and grow must be absolute.[1]

When a person has this commitment, you can observe them learning and growing and changing. You can trust them to be working on being the best that they can be. When you have that level of trust in a person, becoming helpmates is possible.

Becoming helpmates means that you can give them feedback about something they do that affects you, sometimes in a negative way.

When you share this with them, you do so in a non-blaming way, sharing what you feel. Then you need to ask them what their reality is. This helps you in not taking things personally. You can do this because you have watched how they can ingest feedback and use self-observation to change as is needed. They have earned your trust in an absolute way.

You are also able to share with them your deepest issues. You know that there is nothing to be ashamed of, because the negative experience happened in order to assist you in learning and growing. You developed trust that they will not judge you. They will simply love and support you and hold the space for your learning and growing. You do that for each other. In other words, there ceases to be a reason for keeping quiet about issues, and this allows you to always be spontaneously and emotionally truthful. What a blessing!

They can do the same thing with you. You listen to them with an open heart, never judging, genuinely caring about their reality and what they are feeling and learning. You really want them to grow and evolve, and how they choose to do it is your great joy. You can believe them and what they say, because you have learned that deep, absolute trust.

Being helpmates also involves seeing them constantly as a God or Goddess embodied, a being that is of the light. You want them to be the best that they can be and you see them as being that in every moment along the way. You see them as a living testimony to trust, love, and actualization of truth. You see them as loving you in the same way.

Sexuality as well needs to evolve into a tantric relationship.

Tantra is a special kind of sexual intimacy in which both parties learn to allow the sexual energy to move upward through the chakras. This assists both parties in bringing about a state of ecstasy. Jesus has shared with me that to be an ascended being of light means living constantly in a state of ecstasy. There will be no resistance, only surrender and allowing. That comes from deep and intimate love. There is nothing to hide from yourself or your partner.

In tantric sexuality you learn to take your lovemaking to a whole new level. There is no longer any lust-based sexual energy. You learn to see each other’s God or Goddess self. You learn to give to and receive from that beautiful soul. You look at them and feel a deep desire to give to them because they deserve it completely. They do the same for you. You do not go into this for the purpose of receiving and getting. You enter into the lovemaking from a space of genuinely wanting to express your love, devotion, and adoration for the other person. You want to give. You want to surrender deeply to their giving to you. After all they are a God or Goddess embodied. How could you not surrender to that?

The combination of love and surrender create the tantric bliss. You can at the end of the experience see and feel yourself as the entire universe embodied. Sometimes you may feel yourself as Oneness embodied. Sometimes you may experience yourself as a dolphin or whale spirit. These special experiences are not a vision. You actually become this expanded thing for a time. When you do expand into this higher state, you experience the role the partner is playing in this. Is he the love of God filling that universe and bringing it to life? Is she the universe coming to life as you love her? I have had these types of experiences with a partner. I know they are real.

Lust-based sexual energy comes out of an inner need to take and have power over. Lust and pornography create dark entities in your second chakra that lead you to more lust. This must stop at once. Clear the contracts and do a Depossession Chamber of Light. Begin now changing your beliefs and ways of thinking about sexuality. If need be, decide on a time of celibacy in order to achieve this new state of being ready for a loving tantric relationship.

There are some practices of tantra that only benefit the male. Buddhist tantric practice is often this way. The man uses the tantric practice to increase his own energy while the female only serves him and does not receive the tantric awakening. However, true tantra is mutual and equal between the male and female. True tantra is not just a technique. It is based on deep love, trust and surrender. Only then can it bring the great awakening that is intended.

My third book is entitled The Pleiadian Tantric Workbook: Awakening Your Divine Ba. Ba is an ancient Egyptian word that means ‘soul.’ In order to work with that book you need to have finished the workbook entitled The Pleiadian Workbook: Awakening Your Divine Ka first. This can be very helpful in healing the male/female issues, and in learning about tantra and becoming fully realized helpmates.