Receiving the Teachings

by Amorah Quan Yin

In 1987 while taking a month-long training a group of Light Beings made their presence known to me and began working with me during my sleep and lucid dreaming, as well as while awake. They did incredible energy work on my body, taught me body movements for the release of holding patterns and pain, and reminded me that we had worked together in other lives. After six weeks of almost 24-hour-a-day connection with them, my higher-dimensional friends seemed to disappear. They would show up only when I was dong the work they had taught me on friends and clients.

August of 1993, my old friends appeared again with the outline of the rest of the teachings that have become the Pleiadian Lightwork, upon which my book is based. They told me I would be teaching a 20-day Pleiadian Lightwork Intensive in November of that year, and that, in the meantime, they would be doing the energy work on me that I would be teaching. By the time the Intensive began, I would receive all of the information to be given in the training. The Ka work was introduced to me at that time.

The Ka is the “divine double” which serves as the interface between our human body and our higher-dimensional holographic self.

The Ka body is comprised of a vast circuitry with 16 primary meridian-like activation lines. Each of these meridians has multiple, specific, activation points, that when fully functional pull in the Ka energy from our own Higher Selves. This Ka energy is comprised of light and sound frequencies from our ninth-dimensional selves down-stepped to our third-dimensional selves via the Ka body.

Additionally the PEL gave me the following:

  • Our purpose here is to evolve physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually
  • Every Human being has a divine essence made of light and love whose nature is goodness.
  • Free Will is an absolute universal right; impeccability calls on the self to surrender its Free Will to Divine Will in faith and trust.
  • All of natural existence is sacred beyond how it serves or meets the needs of the individual self.

In January of 1994 I received a message through seeing a book titled the “It’s Time Now.” I knew it was time was to go public and began preparation. They also told me at that time to call them the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light (PEL).

The Pleiadian Workbook is the first of the PEL teachings to be brought forth and contains information for healing and activation of the Ka new to this time on Earth, but is actually the resurrection of ancient Lemurian, Atlantean, and Egyptian temple practice.