Full Sensory Perception (FSP) is a program for accelerating your spiritual growth and fulfillment. It is open to everyone who seeks to live in alignment with their Higher Self and to be in the consciousness of Oneness. FSP is the beginning program for everyone participating in the Dolphin Star Temple.

FSP courses are offered in many parts of the world. There are three levels to the courses, each of which can vary from 10 to 14 days in total length (depending on the local teacher), and they are often divided into several segments lasting a few days each. You can enroll for each level one-at-a-time and progress at your own pace. (FSP 1 & 2 are prerequisites to the PLI trainings.)

In FSP classes you learn to open your full sensory perceptions of clairvoyance, clairaudience, intuition, and channeling healing energy. It is a path toward wholeness, Oneness, and becoming consciously responsible for aligning with the Divine and maintaining a connection with God/Goddess/All-That-Is. In FSP you learn self-help tools for releasing ego-identity and clearing what holds you back on your spiritual path. Class sessions include group meditations, spiritual teachings, and supervised healing work conducted in pairs.

FSP is for those seeking deep personal healing and clearing. It can be an experience that redirects your life toward your spiritual fulfillment and living in impeccability. It is also for those interested in learning the healing skills needed in order to be a healing practitioner or teacher.

Mish Morskyj and Julia Byrne will be teaching this in-person course March 10th, 2023 through March 23rd, 2023.  Dates noted are AEST.  To learn more about this online class, please contact Mish and Julia direct: https://www.powerfulalchemy.com/courses

Mish Morskyj, Vice President
Victoria, Australia

Mish Morskyj is an intuitive Pleiadian healer who has been in service for 19 yrs. After meeting Amorah in 2001, she fell in love with the Pleiadian Lightwork Mystery School teachings as it created self love and enormous change for the better to her life.

She is a qualified practitioner in Pleiadian Lightwork, Reiki, Crystal Dreaming, Bach & Bush Flower Essences and holds a diploma in Health Science specializing in Holistic Counseling. Based in Victoria, Australia, she runs her healing business including meditation and enlightenment workshops.  Her passion is to help others to transform the quality of their lives through their own awareness, self love and brilliance.

Julia Byrne, Secretary
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Julia Byrne is passionate about personal and spiritual growth, having been triggered by many events in her own life. She grew up with an intuitive gift for seeing the invisible. Despite a successful career in the corporate world; Julia was out of alignment with her soul purpose to help people transition through their biggest changes and toughest challenges to live authentic and truly empowered lives.

Julia’s mission is to help seekers who strive to deeply understand themselves and are passionate about personal and spiritual growth. Through tailored healing, group teaching and coaching sessions she holds the space for clients to break through their energy blockages and resistances; shifting limiting beliefs and patterns, uncovering the core issues to lead clients back to oneness and ultimately love. Julia is now honored to support clients and is a qualified practitioner and teacher in Pleiadian Lightwork, Angelic Reiki, a Crystal Light Healer, Teacher, and a Kinesiologist.