Living in Beingness

by Amorah Quan Yin, following a visit by Goddess Antares

In our lives as human beings we have succumbed to a planetary thought-form that we have to show our “okay-ness” through what we do. It is another of the symptoms of the repression and oppression of the divine feminine. And more often than not, even in our giving, there is effort behind it. We are trying to be good people doing what we think good people do. And it is not that, within our giving, we do not have love for others. The love is there; but there is an extra little push.  There is extra effort behind it so much of the time that we rarely–except in those exceptional relationships–get to experience just being our loving and beautiful selves simply flowing in love and beauty. Rarely do we allow others to share love with us fully and simply by just being it. The push to do, the push to accomplish, the push to give, the push to say the right thing, the push to prove that we are okay, the push to prove that we know, the push to show that we are intelligent gets in the way and diminishes our availability for giving and receiving in a fully satisfying way. It is seldom that many individuals have that experience of simplicity, free of agendas, that brings deep peace. That peace is like a deep well that is never dry, and can only be experienced when our doing flows in simplicity from our beingness.

The divine feminine aspect of men and women alike was told several thousand years ago on this Earth, “You are not wanted anymore.” And so humans gradually lost connection to their divine feminine selves and to the Mother Goddess. Men need that feminine aspect within themselves as well as women. And it does not mean that females just need to be receptive and passive all the time to be real women.

In accepting the task of finding peace and finding home, how can we accept the task without trying to achieve it?

This is the challenge of spirit at this time. How can I accept the task without attempting it effortfully? How can I accept any task without trying and efforting and struggling? How can I accept it from an attitude of giving myself gentle reminders, when the flow is not there, to let go and return to flow? How can I feel safe to remind myself without undue concern about what others will think? Will others think I am thinking I am better than they are? Will they think that I am being airy-fairy? What would it take to let go of caring what they think, and to know that being yourself is the greatest gift, not only to you, but to existence in general?

There are times on the path when no one can really give you an answer. All anyone can do is ask the right questions and let you find the answers for yourself. Years ago, while I was receiving a healing, one of my guides came through and said, “This man (meaning the man doing the healing session on me) is a real Jesus man.” And I asked what a real Jesus man is? She replied, “A real Jesus man is one who digs deep inside to find the best parts of himself and bring them out to share with others. He doesn’t go digging around, wallowing in the dirt trying to find the crap.” I believe there is a message in that for us at this time. If we could devote our spiritual paths to the gentle search for the discovery of our beauty and our goodness, then all the pain and emotions that need to be cleared would naturally come out for clearing as we move deeper into that place of being at home with ourselves. We do not have to meticulously search out the sources of our pain and shut down. Some of you have become obsessive about looking for what is wrong in yourself and others. All we need to do is: be the best that we can be; regularly bring Higher Self into our bodies; and have the courage to show our beauty and Divine Truth to others. The rest will either simply dissolve in that love and that Divine Presence, or it will come out for healing and transformation. We will not have to look for it. We will not have to push and try so hard. It will just be a natural part of the process. What would it mean to trust your own process that much? What would it mean for all of us to trust our own process that much? Are we ready to let go of being in process and just be? How have we used being in process for some erroneous payoff that is not really a payoff at all? So let us not analyze to find the answers to these questions, let us just observe ourselves and allow the answers to surface through our life experience and through our willingness to just be present and witness ourselves.

How can we find the answers by allowing instead of actively doing?

Let us just allow those questions to be a gentle undercurrent in the background that we do not have to work at answering. Trust that the questions will be there in the right moments when we need to remember to ask ourselves, “How can I be more real right now?” Let it be step by step. And when the question arises just take a deep sighing breath, and without trying to figure out the answer, just feel it and affirm a new choice.  If it will not shift through your breath and consciousness then there are plenty of processes or healers to assist when really needed.

You might wonder, “How can I find what I really am and just let that be in this moment without making it another project to process through?” Someplace inside you I know that you understand how. Because understanding is in the feeling that is there now. The understanding is in the feeling, in the wisdom of your heart. And it is not that the wisdom of the mind does not have value. Indeed it does. And yet it must be balanced with the wisdom of your heart.

The end of the Lemurian era was brought about by humans becoming addicted to physical sensation removed from the heart.

The Lemurians were very loving, very sensual, very sexual, and very connected to the spiritual and Earth kingdoms. But there was a tainting of energy that transpired over time through the substitution of addiction to sensation for presence and sacredness. Magnetized by that disruption in the Divine Flow, an invasion of controlling beings occurred. These invaders convinced the Lemurians that they were inferior because they were so feeling-natured and not mental enough. Of course this was a distortion of what the real problem was. At that point there was an imprint that came into our planet’s collective consciousness. This imprint convinced the Lemurians that they/we had to learn more technologically, and control our feminine sides, our feeling natures. Therefore, the transition from Lemuria to Atlantis was corrupted by the belief that the mind is superior to the heart, male polarity superior to female polarity. The truth is that neither is superior to the other, and healthy polarity is needed for Divine Flow. Both male and female aspects of self, and of our world need to be functioning fully and in balance for the whole being, and for a healthy culture, to exist. When we believe that an individual who displays intelligence and technological understanding is superior to the person who can sit in a field and gaze at single flower for an hour we are badly mistaken. The fall of Lemuria and the beginning of Atlantis, therefore, came from that patriarchal mentally-polarized standard of excellence. And the subsequent falls of Atlantis through the extreme exaggeration of that patriarchal ego hunger for power and control. And please do not misconstrue that I am saying the matriarchy is superior to the patriarchy. At the point of the invasion, the feminine side had become addiction motivated and was quickly losing the heart and spirit connection that had formerly been so key to the sacred tantric practice. The male and female initiates who had previously learned the balance of the mental and the intuitive, feeling natures, the balance of sacred maleness and sacred femaleness, had become nearly extinct. Addictive patterns were destroying the spiritual nature of both men and women prior to the invasion.

Now we are in the time in which we need to find the balance and healing of our Lemurian and Atlantean past lives and planetary heritage. Within ourselves there is a great yearning to find home: that inner sanctuary in which our intelligence and capability flow from the being present and empty. Our feminine being nature can only exist in the safety of surrender when it is balanced by benevolent masculine Divine Will in action. And even in this understanding, we need not figure it out. We just need to recognize that there is an imprint in our Earth civilizations that has to do with the belief in the superiority of the mind over the heart and emotional body. The planetary mind still wants to override the heart and the purity and innocence of the being nature. So let us simply hold, in the background of our intention, the willingness and desire to allow ourselves be like children who explore all the possibilities without harm to ourselves or others. Children look at everything in life with awe and wonder. They still have the presence of beingness to watch a bee flit from flower to flower for hours. And from that innocent presence “Ah, ha!” happens and they can create elaborate stories or creative projects with their inspiration of heart combined with mental understanding and intelligence. Perhaps we could simply choose to rebirth that childlike part of ourselves and remember how to be innocent, unselfconscious, and spontaneous with nothing to prove or solve.