• Amethyst Quartz Cathedral Encoded/Etched Encrusted Protection Enflamed Key Phantom Portal Self Heal
  • Out of stock
    Angelic Clear Quartz Encrusted/Encoded Harmonizers Isis Rainbow Tabby Tri-crystal Window
  • Akashic Lines Amethyst Angelic Encoded/Etched Key Rainbow
  • Akashic Lines Angelic Clear Quartz DNA Encoded/Etched Isis Master Light Shrine Timeline
  • Amethyst Quartz Angelic Cluster Dolphin Double Terminated Encoded/Etched Enflamed Key Rainbow Smoky Quartz
  • Tourmalines never need psychic clearing. In general, deeply penetrating and healing for the nervous system connection to the emotional body memories. Black Tourmaline is great for deep healing of neurological pain and clearing negativity. It is also one of the best psychic protectors for low frequency, negative invasive energies.  Black Tourmaline also offers protection against psychic and electromagnetic frequencies.
  • Angelic Bridge City of Light Encoded/Etched Generator Hierarchical Prehnite Rainbow Smoky Quartz Tabby Timeline
  • Amethyst Quartz Angelic Encoded/Etched Phantom Rainbow Record Keeper Smoky (Light) Tabby
  • Amethyst Quartz (Light) Angelic Clear Quartz DNA Encoded/Etched Geometry Portal Shrine Tabby Timeline Window
  • Akashic Lines Amethyst Quartz Angelic Barnacle Bridge Double Terminated Encoded/Etched Enflamed Encrusted Generator Rainbow Twin Flame
  • Amethyst Quartz (deep) Angelic Dow (3-7-3) Encoded/Etched Enhydro Key Rainbow Self-Heal Tabby Twin Flame
  • Tourmalines never need psychic clearing. In general, deeply penetrating and healing for the nervous system connection to the emotional body memories. Black Tourmaline is great for deep healing of neurological pain and clearing negativity. It is also one of the best psychic protectors for low frequency, negative invasive energies. Black Tourmaline also offers protection against psychic and electromagnetic frequencies. This cluster also has some "Phehnite" which is light green. It is a peaceful and harmonizing stone for the heart and third chakras.  In inspires a calm and deeper sense of acceptance in your heart that can allow for more openness. It is also said to be a good stone for channeling and receiving higher dimensional loving input. A great stone for soul connection. 
  • Tourmalines never need psychic clearing. In general, deeply penetrating and healing for the nervous system connection to the emotional body memories. Black Tourmaline is great for deep healing of neurological pain and clearing negativity. It is also one of the best psychic protectors for low frequency, negative invasive energies. Black Tourmaline also offers protection against psychic and electromagnetic frequencies.

    This cluster also has some "Phehnite" which is light green. It is a peaceful and harmonizing stone for the heart and third chakras.  In inspires a calm and deeper sense of acceptance in your heart that can allow for more openness. It is also said to be a good stone for channeling and receiving higher dimensional loving input. A great stone for soul connection.

  • Tourmalines never need psychic clearing. In general, deeply penetrating and healing for the nervous system connection to the emotional body memories. Black Tourmaline is great for deep healing of neurological pain and clearing negativity. It is also one of the best psychic protectors for low frequency, negative invasive energies. Black Tourmaline also offers protection against psychic and electromagnetic frequencies.

    This cluster also has some "Phehnite" which is light green. It is a peaceful and harmonizing stone for the heart and third chakras.  In inspires a calm and deeper sense of acceptance in your heart that can allow for more openness. It is also said to be a good stone for channeling and receiving higher dimensional loving input. A great stone for soul connection.

  • Amethyst Quartz Bridge Crystal Mountain Matrix Phantom "Y" Crystal
  • Tourmalines never need psychic clearing. In general, deeply penetrating and healing for the nervous system connection to the emotional body memories. Black Tourmaline is great for deep healing of neurological pain and clearing negativity. It is also one of the best psychic protectors for low frequency, negative invasive energies. Black Tourmaline also offers protection against psychic and electromagnetic frequencies.
  • Giclee reproduction based on the original art used for the cover of The Pleiadian Tantric Workbook: Awakening Your Divine Ba by Amorah Quan Yin. Comes as 18x21 that can be trimmed down to 16x20.
  • Giclee reproduction based on the original art used for the cover of The Pleiadian Workbook: Awakening Your Divine Ka by Amorah Quan Yin. Comes as 18x21 that can be trimmed down to 16x20.

  • Learn how to live in divine flow, deepen your spiritual connection to the divine source, and access spiritual guidance in becoming a true Master Being of Light.” In her latest series of channeled transmissions, Amorah Quan Yin provides a fascinating chronicle of human spiritual evolution from a galactic perspective. Quan Yin teaches that there is infinite loving assistance available to humanity from the higher dimensions. In Affinity: Reclaiming the Divine Flow of Creation she transmits the wisdom of the Ascended Masters, Angels, and others to assist us in learning how to receive this help and attain personal transformation. Drawing on the wisdom of Goddess Antares and the gentle support of the Dolphin Star Temple Higher Council, Quan Yin explains how to retune our bodies, minds, emotions, and spirits to the divine flow of the universe. Mother Mary teaches us how to remove ourselves from negative astral planes. From Elohim we learn how to work with our cellular structure in a spiritual plane. This extensive collection of teachings offers specific exercises and techniques to align us with our divine selves.
  • This set of six CD/MP3 includes all of the exercises in the Pleiadian Tantric Workbook, except the Black Witch/Satanic Male MP3, which is available separately.  Also included is the book The Pleiadian Tantric Workbook Awakening the Divine BA . The Pleiadian Tantric Workbook assists you with healing relationships. This sequel to the Pleiadian Workbook teaches advanced cellular clearing to heal the male/female split and shows how to activate and clear kundalini and sexual channels through tantra. As in the first volume, the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light, through Amorah, offer specific exercises and techniques to give you practical information for your everyday life.
  • Divine Ka exercises

    Workbook and MP3 set for the exercises that accompany Amorah Quan Yin's classic book, Awakening Your Divine Ka. Also available as physical CD sets 6 CD Set 6 CD Set, Book included
  • Tourmalines never need psychic clearing. In general, deeply penetrating and healing for the nervous system connection to the emotional body memories. Black Tourmaline is great for deep healing of neurological pain and clearing negativity. It is also one of the best psychic protectors for low frequency, negative invasive energies. Black Tourmaline also offers protection against psychic and electromagnetic frequencies.
  • Divine Ba exercises

    A complete set of MP3s for the exercises that accompany Amorah Quan Yin's classic book, Awakening Your Divine Ba. Also available as a CD set.
  • Divine Ka exercises

    A complete set of MP3s for the exercises that accompany Amorah Quan Yin's classic book, Awakening Your Divine Ka.
  • Out of stock
    Learn how to live in divine flow, deepen your spiritual connection to the divine source, and access spiritual guidance in becoming a true Master Being of Light.” In her latest series of channeled transmissions, Amorah Quan Yin provides a fascinating chronicle of human spiritual evolution from a galactic perspective. Quan Yin teaches that there is infinite loving assistance available to humanity from the higher dimensions. In Affinity: Reclaiming the Divine Flow of Creation she transmits the wisdom of the Ascended Masters, Angels, and others to assist us in learning how to receive this help and attain personal transformation. Drawing on the wisdom of Goddess Antares and the gentle support of the Dolphin Star Temple Higher Council, Quan Yin explains how to retune our bodies, minds, emotions, and spirits to the divine flow of the universe. Mother Mary teaches us how to remove ourselves from negative astral planes. From Elohim we learn how to work with our cellular structure in a spiritual plane. This extensive collection of teachings offers specific exercises and techniques to align us with our divine selves.
  • Sale!
    This set of six CDs includes all of the exercises in the Pleiadian Tantric Workbook, except the Black Witch/Satanic Male tape, which is available separately.
  • Sale!
    Affinity: Reclaiming the Divine Flow of Creation, the MP3 6 CD set includes all of the exercises and meditations in the Affinity book. Instructions are included for coordinating the MP3 with the book. Learn how to live in divine flow, deepen your spiritual connection to the divine source, and access spiritual guidance in becoming a true Master Being of Light.” In her latest series of channeled transmissions, Amorah Quan Yin provides a fascinating chronicle of human spiritual evolution from a galactic perspective. Quan Yin teaches that there is infinite loving assistance available to humanity from the higher dimensions. In Affinity: Reclaiming the Divine Flow of Creation she transmits the wisdom of the Ascended Masters, Angels, and others to assist us in learning how to receive this help and attain personal transformation. Drawing on the wisdom of Goddess Antares and the gentle support of the Dolphin Star Temple Higher Council, Quan Yin explains how to retune our bodies, minds, emotions, and spirits to the divine flow of the universe. Mother Mary teaches us how to remove ourselves from negative astral planes. From Elohim we learn how to work with our cellular structure in a spiritual plane. This extensive collection of teachings offers specific exercises and techniques to align us with our divine selves.  
  • Sale!
    This set of six CDs includes all of the exercises in the Pleiadian Tantric Workbook except the Black Witch/Satanic Male tape, which is sold separately.
  • Amorah gives a very detailed teaching about what is needed in order for us to return to Oneness with All That Is, which begins with finding Oneness with every aspect of ourselves in a loving way.
  • Amorah gives a teaching about male/female equality and sacred union. This involves living as helpmates. She also leads a beautiful meditation for connecting with the Divine couples of the Seven Rays.
  • Volumen segundo de la serie de ejercicios Pleyadianos
  • El presente Manual de Ejercicios Pleyadianos es una inestimable ayuda para sanar las relaciones personales. Esta segunda parte del famoso Manual de ejercicios pleyadianos ensea a "despejar" a nivel celular con el fin de sanar la divisin entre lo masculino y lo femenino. Ensea tambin a activar la kundalini y los canales sexuales a travs del tantra.
  • Download Amorah Quan Yin's two-hour presentation, Return to Oneness. Discussion and two meditations, including male/female healing and return to Oneness. See below for further details. File is a 1.2GB zip file, which extracts to MP4 and will play on updated Windows and Mac platforms (having problems? Try free VLC Player). This video is also available on DVD.  
  • The Earth was meant to be a garden for consciousness, and we humans are meant to be the seeds of consciousness tossed out into the dark, rich soil of the Earth. From this perspective, we can understand that humanity today is in a transition to a higher state of consciousness that will blossom on a future Earth. How might our life on the Earth evolve from our current 3rd-dimensional reality to a future 5th-dimensional reality? What would it be like to discover yourself arriving in a world of 5th-dimensional consciousness? Imagine yourself among the human beings who experience their total relocation to the New Earth, the 5th-dimensional Earth. Imagine that humans are arriving a few at a time exploring new possibilities in human consciousness. Living on the New Earth must change what it means to be a human being in fundamental ways. For one, the latent human capacity for psychic communication might awaken and inspire dialogue with the natural world. And the collective human capacity to create might evolve into the direct manifestation of energy and matter in creating a way of life. In this book’s vision, the first generation of settlers arriving on the New Earth meet their challenges by creating a world of cities and villages in harmony with nature, and they give birth to a new generation of humans who are native to the New Earth. It is these newborns who decide to advance the consciousness of the New Earth and begin a global project of creating Cities of Light in anticipation of a time when the whole Earth awakens in the consciousness of Oneness. These are the stories of people like us in transition to highly evolved consciousness.
  • In the tradition of Amorah Quan Yin, a fresh and moving new perspective on your healing and spiritual evolution!
  • "Once you have learned to love every part of yourself... once you have learned to love everything and everyone from your past... once you have found your multidimensional alignment... once you have fully found equality between male and female... once you have learned to love and not control people... once you have found invincibility of spirit... and once you have learned to live in unity in diversity... you have arrived! Oneness happens when you have learned to experience unconditional love in both the giving and the receiving". — From Oneness by Amorah Quan Yin


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